Neck stretches
Reduce Tension Headache.

Upper Trapezius and Middle Scalene Stretch
Discribed for the right side of the neck.
Sitting tall and imagining the top of your head floating up to the ceiling.
Stabilize your right shoulder by holding onto the bottom of the chair seat you are sitting on.
Keeping your nose facing straight ahead (you may want to look in a mirror to confirm this in the beginning) and side bend your neck to the side. You want to side bend the whole neck post and not only the head rotating on the top of the neck. You may use your left hand to help hold your head and neck; but, very gentley!
Hold for 20-30 seconds. Then do the other side. Repeat 1-3 times a day.
This should be a gentle stretch. If you feel pain then back the stretch off until it is pain-free; even if you don’t feel a stretch now. Each time you perform an activity such as this measure how you are doing by how it feels, not how far you can go.
Posterior Scalene Stretch
Described for the right side of the neck.
Sitting tall and imagining the top of your head floating up to the ceiling.
Stabilize your right shoulder by holding onto the bottom of the chair seat you are sitting on.
Turn (rotate) your head and neck to the left about 30 degrees (to the male nipple) and side bend your neck to the left side. You want to side bend the whole neck post and not only the head rotating on the top of the neck.
Hold for 20-30 seconds. Then do the other side. Repeat 1-3 times a day.

Anterior Scalene Stretch
Discribed for the right side of the neck.
Sitting tall and imagining the top of your head floating up to the ceiling.
Stabilize your right shoulder by holding onto the bottom of the chair seat you are sitting on.
Turn (rotate) your head and neck to the right about 30 degrees (to the male nipple) and side bend your neck to the left side. You want to side bend the whole neck post and not only the head rotating on the top of the neck.
Hold for 20-30 seconds. Then do the other side. Repeat 1-3 times a day.